
Because of This You Can Be Uncreative

*Because of This You Can Be Uncreative*
Have you ever felt uncreative?
Tired of doing the same thing over and over again. Basically every human being is born creatively but in different ways. The word creativity or creative is usually only synonymous with artists or in the multimedia world. Though you can be creative in your current job. And all fields of work require creativity to continue to grow. 

*Here are 3 reasons why someone doesn't get creative:

 *1. Fear of trying new things.* 
Usually people already feel comfortable in the same way, the same thing and don't dare to take risks with new things. Feelings of fear of failure and rejection eventually become an obstacle for someone to practice their creativity. 

*2. Not confident.* 
Maybe you're a person with lots of ideas, but you're not confident enough to try them out. Actually there is nothing wrong with trying to execute your idea or innovation. As long as all in a size that is not high risk.

 *3. Mentally satisfied quickly.* 
This mentality is certainly the biggest obstacle in developing the quality of human resources. Some people are satisfied with the results. So that they feel no need to do new things that can actually provide benefits for themselves. How about you and your team? Which points are your obstacles? If you feel you are not creative enough and find it difficult to find a way out of a problem. The good news is that one's creativity can be trained as long as you know how. With several practical methods, this knowledge will be very useful for you and your team.

In this training you will discover the creative potential within you and master various skills that can be applied in business, sales and career. 
See you later!

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